فوائد أوميغا 3 المدهشة للبشرة والشعر

The amazing benefits of Omega-3 for skin and hair

Omega-3, types of fats and fatty acids

Body fat is found on the following photos:

  • The Association of fatty acids with alcohol, such as glycerol, to form triglycerides, which are responsible for carrying energy in the body.
  • Fatty acids bind with a phosphate group and a glycerol group to form phospholipids, which are a major component of the body's cell wall.
  • The Association of fatty acids with each other to form fats with quad carbon rings called steroids ( including hormones such as estrogen and testosterone, including cortisone and cholesterol, all of which are very important compounds with very important functions in the body )

It is clear from the above the importance of functional fats for the body, and those fats consist of fatty acids and are divided into two main types, namely:

  • Saturated fatty acids: it is a straight, connected chain of carbon atoms, all connected by hydrogen and carboxyl atoms.
  • Unsaturated fatty acids: they are divided into two types, namely
    • Monounsaturated fatty acids: it is a chain of carbon atoms that are all bonded to hydrogen and peroxyl atoms except for one carbon atom that is not bonded or free. These fatty acids are found in peanut oil, olive oil and avocado.
    • Polyunsaturated fatty acids: it is a chain of carbon atoms that are all connected to hydrogen and carboxyl atoms except for two or more free carbon atoms. These fatty acids are found in soybean oil and many nuts and seeds.

Omega-3 is 3 types of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are essential fatty acids for the body, which the body cannot form, but must be obtained through food such as mackerel, salmon, sardines, flax seeds, chia seeds and camel's eye. These three types are:

  • Alpha-linolenic acids. And its sources are vegetarian.
  • Eicosapentaenoic acids. Its sources are seafood and fish.
  • Docosahexaenoic acids. Its sources are fish and seafood.

From the above, it becomes clear to us that omega-3 fatty acids are one of the most important necessary substances needed by the body, which enter into the synthesis of many vital compounds in the body and affect the health of the whole body, not just skin and hair.

Symptoms of omega-3 deficiency

There is no specific analysis by which omega-3 deficiency can be diagnosed, but there are some signs and symptoms whose appearance and increase in severity may mean that you are suffering from omega-3 deficiency, and these symptoms include five basic symptoms, which are as follows:

  • Increased sensitization, inflammation and dryness of the skin:
    • This is because omega-3 plays an important role in keeping the skin from drying out and works to preserve the skin's water content and complete the construction of the skin barrier that protects it from dryness and sensitization.
    • There are many studies that prove the effectiveness of omega-3 capsules in alleviating the symptoms of eczema and improving psoriasis. ( Study1 ), ( Study2 )
    • There are studies confirming an increased tolerance of the skin to ultraviolet sun damage when taking omega-3 capsules or fish oil.
  • Increased acne and associated infections:
    • This is because omega-3 plays an important role in the formation of anti-inflammatory substances such as cortisone and other steroid compounds, as well as increases the efficiency of skin fat and its survival in the liquid state and protects against clogging pores.
  • There are studies confirming the effect of taking omega-3 capsules in the treatment of acne and reducing acne infections. ( Study3 )
  • Depression:
    • This is because omega-3 plays an important role for brain and nerve cells and helps protect nerves and has a role in alleviating neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's, memory loss, forgetfulness and depression.
    • There are studies confirming the positive effect of omega-3 in reducing and treating depression. ( Study4 )
  • Dry eyes:
    • This is because omega-3 plays an important role in maintaining eye moisture and dry eye symptoms appear in the form of sensitivity and redness of the eyes.
    • There are studies confirming that dry eye conditions improve when taking omega-3 capsules or sources of the omega-3 Food Group. ( Study5 )
  • Pain and joint stiffness:
    • Joint pain occurs as a result of the erosion of the cartilage covering the bones in the Joint by the immune system as a result of a lack of anti-inflammatory substances, such as rheumatoid conditions and osteoporosis.
    • There are studies confirming the role of omega-3 in the improvement of those cases suffering from osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis when taking a dietary supplement containing omega-3. ( Study6 )
  • Dryness, brittleness and hair loss
    • The omega-3 group has an important role in hair building and health, as it increases the nutrition of the hair by increasing blood flow to the hair follicles.
    • There are studies confirming stopping hair loss and restoring their strength and density when using omega-3 capsules. ( Study7 )

Natural sources of omega-3

Omega-3 is one of the necessary fatty acids that must be obtained through food because the body cannot synthesize it and these fatty acids are available in a large number of foods such as:

  • Mackerel fish: every 100 grams of mackerel fish meat contains 4580 milliliters of omega-3.
  • Salmon fish: every 100 grams of salmon fish meat contains 2150 milliliters of omega-3.
  • Cod liver oil: every 10 ml of cod liver oil contains 2438 mg of omega-3.
  • Herring fish: every 100 grams of herring fish meat contains 2150 milliliters of omega-3.
  • Oysters: every 100 grams of oysters contains 391 milligram of omega-3.
  • Sardine fish: every 100 grams of sardine fish meat contains 1463 milligram of omega-3.
  • Anchovies: every 100 grams of anchovy fish meat contains 2053 milligram of omega-3.
  • Caviar: every 100 grams of caviar contains 6540 milliliters of omega-3.
  • Flaxseed: every 10 grams of flaxseed contains 2350 milliliters of omega-3.
  • Chia seeds: every 28 grams of chia seeds contains 5050 milliliters of omega-3.
  • Walnuts: every 28 grams of walnuts contains 2570 milliliters of omega-3.
  • Soybeans: every 100 grams of soybeans contains 1440 milliliters of omega-3.

Dietary supplements containing omega-3

You should consult your doctor before using any dietary supplement containing omega-3 to determine the appropriate dosage and avoid its side effects and its conflict with some drugs, especially those drugs that inhibit blood clotting.

There are many dietary supplements available on the market that contain omega-3, often sourced from fish oil, such as:

  • California Gold nutrition omega 3 premium fish oil 1000ml g 100 gelatin capsules.
  • Now foods omega - 3 fish oil 1000 ml 200 gelatin capsules.
  • Sports research omega - 3 fish oil 1250 mg 90 gelatin capsules.
  • Ambrosial omega-3 fish oil 1100 mg 60 gelatin capsules.
  • Vitabiotics Ultra Omega 3 cod liver oil 550 ml 60 gelatin capsules with orange taste.
  • Nutravita 1400 ML gram omega-3 Number 90 gelatin capsules.
  • Pure Canada omega-3 for children 60 gelatin candies.

Daily dosage to achieve the amazing benefits of omega-3 for skin and hair

Taking a dietary supplement containing omega - 3 up to 5000 ml per day is considered safe according to the European Food Safety Authority, and the dosage necessary to obtain effective results for skin and hair is from 1000 ml to 1600 ml per day.

When do the results of omega-3 capsules appear on the skin and hair

When taking a dietary supplement containing omega-3 fatty acids, its absorption is rapid, and within about 4 hours it reaches the blood to saturate the blood with its need for omega-3, and then it begins to spread in various cells of the body and is absorbed depending on the need for it in various cells and tissues of the body.

Within 24 hours, the blood has been saturated with omega-3 acids, and the blood reaches a good degree of saturation with omega-3 acids, it may take a whole month, and in order for omega-3 acids to reach the brain and heart tissues and meet their needs, it may need 3 months, and to saturate the rest of the body tissues, such as skin and hair, with omega-3 acids, it may need 6 months of use for a supplement A diet rich in omega-3.

The amazing benefits of Omega-3 for skin and hair

The omega-3 group is considered to have important benefits for the health of the heart, brain, joints and eyes, besides, it has a strong effect on the health of the skin and hair, and we will mention below the amazing benefits of omega-3 for both skin and hair and the most important studies conducted to confirm its effectiveness.

Benefits of omega-3 for the skin

  • Omega-3 improves overall skin health ( Study8 ) In terms of:
    • It soothes skin infections and increases the skin's tolerance to ultraviolet sunlight and its damage to the epidermis.
    • It maintains the skin barrier and thus keeps the skin moist.
    • Reduces the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and signs of aging.
    • Reduces skin pigmentation, especially those caused by inflammation and dryness.
    • Reduces the risk of skin cancer.
  • Omega-3 helps to heal wounds and keep wounds from bacterial infections and this can be explained by the fact that omega-3 resists infections and inflammatory factors. ( Study9 )
  • Omega-3 helps reduce the severity of eczema symptoms such as severe dryness, itching and inflammation. ( Study10 )
  • Omega-3 helps reduce the severity of acne and associated infections, especially in moderate and severe cases of acne. ( Study11 )

The benefits of omega-3 for hair

There are studies that confirm the effect of omega-3 on hair health and this includes:

  • This may be due to the nutrition provided by Omega-3 to the hair follicles , as omega-3 increases the fluidity and blood supply through the scalp to nourish the hair, and also resists infections at the hair follicles. ( Study12 ) ( Study13 )
  • A noticeable role in hair growth may be due to its role in nutrition and increased blood flow. ( Study14 )

How to use omega-3 for the skin

The best way to achieve the benefits of omega - 3 for the skin is to take a dietary supplement containing omega-3 for 6 months or eat natural food sources for it with the use of a skin cream or serum containing an omega-3 group such as:

  • Natur's leaf organic rosehip seed oil rich in omega-3 acids group 60ml.
  • Griffin omega 3 Body Lotion 240 ml.

How to use omega-3 for hair

To achieve the best benefit of omega-3 for hair, it is preferable to take a dietary supplement containing omega-3 and use a hair cream or serum containing omega-3 such as:

  • Hamba hair regrowth serum with hemp oil 100 ml.
  • Petalfresh hair damage control serum is rich in omega-3 and keratin 60 ml.

Side effects of taking dietary supplements containing omega-3

Taking a dietary supplement containing omega-3 is considered safe, as mentioned earlier, up to 5000 ml per day, but some side effects may appear with the use of omega-3 capsules, such as:

  • The taste of fish in the mouth.
  • Bad breath smells.
  • Nausea.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Indigestion.
  • A headache.
  • Skin rash.

Taking omega-3 or fish oil interferes with some other medications such as:

  • Birth control pills.
  • Anticoagulants.
  • Pressure medications.

Therefore, dietary supplements containing omega-3 should be taken under medical supervision.

Summary / The Amazing Benefits of omega-3 for skin and hair

  • Fatty acids are the primary units that make up fats and are involved in the synthesis of many important functional compounds in the body, such as steroids, some hormones, triglycerides and phospholipids.
  • There are two types of unsaturated fats, namely monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats, including omega-3.
  • There is no specific analysis confirming the lack of omega-3 stores in the body, but this can be noticed by observing some symptoms such as dry eyes, itching, inflammation, dry skin, hair loss, split ends, depression and joint pain.
  • Natural sources of omega-3 include oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring, anchovies and tuna. Omega-3 can also be obtained from plant sources such as walnuts, flax seeds and chia seeds.
  • There are many dietary supplements on the market that contain 1000 mg of fish oil and are considered the best sources of omega-3 food.
  • Taking a dietary supplement containing omega - 3 is considered safe up to a concentration of 5000 mg per day, according to the European Food Safety Authority.
  • When there is a shortage of omega-3 in the body, it is necessary to continue taking a dietary supplement containing omega-3 for 6 months until the blood and body tissues, including skin and hair, are saturated with their needs from the omega-3 fatty acid group.
  • Omega-3 has amazing benefits for the skin ,including maintaining the skin barrier and protecting it from dryness and inflammation ,increases the skin's ability to withstand sun damage, and also soothes acne infections, wrinkles and signs of aging.
  • Omega-3 has amazing benefits for hair, including stopping hair loss and increasing the growth, thickness, density and strength of hair.
  • To get strong omega-3 results, it is preferable to take omega-3 capsules for 6 months with the use of a serum for skin or hair containing the omega-3 group.
  • Dietary supplements containing omega-3 should be taken under medical supervision because they have side effects that include headache, diarrhea, nausea, indigestion, and are incompatible with certain medications such as pressure medications, blood clotting inhibitors, and birth control pills.


Author of the article

ابراهيم عمار

Ibrahim Ammar

More than 15 years of experience in beauty products, skin and hair care

Egyptian Pharmacist

Mansoura University | 2008


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