أربع طرق فعالة لعلاج الهالات السوداء تحت العين

Four effective ways to treat dark circles under the eyes

Dark circles under the eyes are problems that everyone is exposed to at different and frequent times of life and we will mention in this article four effective ways to treat dark circles under the eyes. These are prescription drugs prescribed by doctors to treat dark circles, non-prescription skin care products, as well as natural mixtures that can be easily prepared at home to treat dark circles, in addition to Sessions that can be conducted at Dermatology and cosmetology clinics to lighten the area under the eye.

Dark circles under the eyes

Dark circles under the eyes or around the eyes appear as a result of the occurrence of pigmentation of the skin in this area as a result of dryness, inflammation or sun exposure without the use of sunscreen.Dark circles may appear in the eye area as a result of the thinning of the skin in this area, so it becomes transparent because of the dark blood vessels that feed the eye area underneath.

Dark circles, puffiness and wrinkles around the eyes are signs of aging that appear to everyone with age and the inability of the skin to form collagen and elastin fibers that give the skin thickness and elasticity. Also, dark circles are not considered a symptom of any disease or acute illness, unless dark circles appear under one eye or around one eye, then you should consult an ophthalmologist.

The causes of the appearance of dark circles around the eyes

Dark circles appear in the eye area due to many reasons, including the following:

  • Exposure to sunlight without the use of sunscreen.
  • Dry skin around the eyes
  • Eczema and skin allergies.
  • Scratch the skin around the eye.
  • Advancing in age.
  • Smoking.
  • Exposure to air pollution from fumes and pollutants.
  • Malnutrition and anemia.
  • Nutritional programs for slimming and the resulting malnutrition and lack of access to the skin to its nutritional needs.
  • Insomnia and lack of sleep for long enough periods for eye rest.
  • Fatigue, exhaustion, nervous and psychological stress.
  • Bruises in the eye area.
  • The use of products that are harmful to the skin, such as makeup, especially poor types of it.

Types of dark circles under the eyes

The types of dark circles can be divided into three types, namely:

الهالات السوداء نتيجة رقة الجلد فتشف ماخلفها من الأوعية الدموية بلونها الداكن
  • Structural dark circles: they occur as a result of aging and lack of thickness of the skin and its thinness in the eye area, so the blood vessels appear below it in a dark color as a dark shadow around the eye.
  • Dark circles are the result of skin pigmentation and occur due to sun exposure without the use of sunscreen or glasses to protect the area around the eyes. Pigmentation in this area may also result from dry and inflamed skin.
  • Dark circles are the result of dilated blood vessels and often occur due to stress, insomnia and lack of sleep for long enough to rest the eyes.

At what age do dark circles appear

Dark circles appear at any age, they may appear on children as they appear on adults. And the reasons for their appearance should be thoroughly reviewed to find effective solutions for their treatment and restore freshness in the eye area.

Prevention of dark circles around the eyes

To prevent dark circles, you have to combat the causes of their appearance, therefore, you must follow the following instructions:

  • Use sunglasses to protect the eye area from sunlight.
  • Use a sunscreen on the face.
  • Use a moisturizer for the face.
  • Do not smoke and keep the skin healthy from air pollutants.
  • Use the cream to maintain the freshness of the skin and protect the cells from oxidation by free radicals.
  • Follow a healthy diet to provide the skin with its nutritional needs from Vitamins Minerals, amino acids andEssential fatty acids To build epidermal cells.
  • Sleep for sufficient periods and take care of eye rest.
  • Not using makeup is harmful to the health of the skin, especially the eye area, because the skin is thin in this area.

Treatment of dark circles under the eyes

The treatment of dark circles under the eyes needs medical supervision or consultation with a pharmacist or a skin and hair expert to determine the causes of their appearance and determine the most appropriate treatment method from the following methods:

Treatment of dark circles with prescription drugs

Doctors may resort to using some medications to treat dark circles under the eyes, including:

  • Tretinoin compounds.
  • Vitamin K.
  • Hydroquinone.
  • Cortisone.
  • Azelaic acid.
  • Kojic Acid.
  • Alfa arbutin.
  • Exfoliants such as glycolic and lactic acid.

Over-the-counter skin care products for treating circles under the eyes

Some non-prescription products can be used to treat dark circles, including these products:

  • Vitamin C serum 10%.
  • Retinol cream 0.5%.
  • Moisturizing serum with hyaluronic acid and ceramides.
  • Serum nourishes the skin with amino acids, peptides and niacinamide.
  • Antioxidant serum with vitamins.
  • A cream for constricting blood vessels with caffeine.

Natural mixtures for the treatment of dark circles

خلطات طبيعية لعلاج الهالات السوداء تحت العين

There are many natural mixtures that can be easily prepared at home and have a powerful effect for treating circles under the eyes such as:

  • Use cucumber slices on the eyes: because cucumber is rich in vitamin C in addition to its high water content to moisturize the skin.
  • Cold tea bags: because they are rich in caffeine and are prepared by boiling the tea, then cooling it and placing the tea bag under the eye.
  • Cold water compresses: because they constrict blood vessels and moisturize the skin.
  • Eye massage: because massage has a positive effect on blood circulation in the eye area.

Sessions at Dermatology and cosmetology clinics for the treatment of dark circles

Doctors in dermatology and cosmetology clinics and centers may resort to some sessions to lighten the eye area, especially if the cause of dark circles is pigmentation in the eye area such as:

  • Skin peeling sessions with fruit acids are like mesotherapy peeling sessions and cold peeling.
  • Laser pigmentation removal sessions such as carbon and fractional lasers by exfoliating the dark skin layer, stimulating the regeneration of epidermal cells and stimulating collagen formation.

But if the dark circles are the result of the thinning of the skin under the eyes, doctors may resort to some procedures such as:

  • Filler injection is the injection of hyaluronic acid into the middle layers of the skin for the purpose of filling and stimulating collagen production.
  • Mesotherapy sessions with hyaluronic acid and skin nutrients to activate collagen production and treat skin thinning.

Summary / Four effective ways to treat dark circles under the eyes

  • Dark circles under the eyes are the appearance of a dark-colored area around the eyes, and this dark color may be due to pigmentation in the skin around the eyes or as a result of the thinness of the skin around the eyes and its transparency due to the dark-colored blood vessels behind it.
  • Dark circles around the eyes are not a disease or a symptom of any disease but affect a person's appearance.
  • Dark circles are signs of aging as a result of the inability of the skin to build collagen fibers and renew its cells, which leads to thinning of the skin in the eye area.
  • There are many causes of dark circles around the eyes, the most important of which are smoking, not sleeping enough hours, and sun exposure without using sunscreen.
  • Malnutrition, lack of vitamins, mineral elements, amino and fatty acids lead to thinning of the skin and the appearance of dark circles.
  • Dryness and inflammation around the eyes as a result of scratching the skin lead to pigmentation of the skin in this area.
  • There are three types of dark circles, namely chromosomal, vascular and structural.
  • Dark circles appear in young and old.
  • You can prevent the appearance of dark circles by avoiding the wrong habits that lead to their appearance, such as smoking, lack of sleep, itchy eyes, and not using sunglasses or sunscreen.
  • Dark circles around the eyes can be treated in four effective ways, namely using prescription drugs under medical supervision or using products Skin and Hair Care Non-prescription or through natural mixtures or therapeutic sessions in dermatology and cosmetology centers under the supervision of a dermatologist.


Author of the article

ابراهيم عمار

Ibrahim Ammar

More than 15 years of experience in beauty products, skin and hair care

Egyptian Pharmacist

Mansoura University | 2008

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