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  • Skin care articles.
  • Hair care articles.
  • Child care articles.
  • Skin care products articles.
  • Hair care products articles.
  • Articles of baby care products.
  • Articles on hair dyes.

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Who am I

ابراهيم عمار

Ibrahim Ammar

More than 15 years of experience in beauty products, skin and hair care

Egyptian Pharmacist

Mansoura University | 2008

Articles that may answer your queries

بخاخ برايورين لتساقط الشعر

The best way to use priorin spray for hair loss

تعرف على بخاخ برايورين لإيقاف تساقط الشعر واستخداماته وأفضل طريقة لاستخدامه لتحقيق أفضل النتائج من نمو الشعر ولمعانه وزيادة حجمه وإيقاف تساقط الشعر. مايتناوله هذا المقالالحجمنوع الشعرالتصنيفاستخدامات بخاخ برايورينالعمر المناسب لاستخدام بخاخ برايورينمكونات بخاخ برايورين لتساقط الشعرطريقة استخدام بخاخ برايورين لتساقط الشعرمميزات محلول برايوريننتائج استخدام سائل برايورين لتساقط الشعرمتى تظهر نتائج بخاخ برايورين لتساقط الشعر…

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شامبو برايورين لتساقط الشعر العادى والجاف واستخداماته المتعددة

Priorin shampoo for normal and dry hair loss and its multiple uses

تعرف على استخدامات عديدة لشامبو برايورين ن للشعر الجاف والعادى فهو من المنتجات المميزة للشعر وذو تركيبه مميزة اثبتت الدراسات فعاليتها فى علاج تساقط الشعر وتحفيز نموه ويعد من منتجات العناية بالشعر التى يمكن الاستفادة منها لكل افراد الاسرة من الكبار والاطفال. مايتناوله هذا المقالالحجمنوع الشعرالتصنيفاستخدامات شامبو برايورين لتساقط الشعر الجاف والعادىالعمر المناسب لاستخدام شامبو…

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أنواع حساسية الجلد عند الأطفال واسبابها وعلاجها بالصور

Types of skin allergies in children, their causes and treatment with photos

ترجع حساسية الجلد عند الأطفال الى أسباب عديدة سنذكرها في هذا المقال. كما سنذكر أنواع حساسية الجلد التى يتعرض لها الأطفال مع التوضيح بالصور ثم سنذكر العلاج المناسب لكل حالة من حالات التحسس المختلفة. يتعرض الأطفال الى حساسية الجلد في مختلف مراحل العمر من الولادة وحتي الكبر وتكون عبارة عن التهاب جلدي أو طفح جلدي…

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أربع طرق فعالة لعلاج الهالات السوداء تحت العين

Four effective ways to treat dark circles under the eyes

الهالات السوداء تحت العين من المشاكل التي يتعرض لها الجميع في أوقات مختلفة ومتكررة من العمر وسنذكر في هذا المقال أربع طرق فعالة لعلاج الهالات السوداء تحت العين. وهي الأدوية الوصفية التي يصفها الأطباء لعلاج الهالات السوداء ومنتجات العناية بالبشرة اللا وصفية وكذلك الخلطات الطبيعية التي يمكن تحضيرها في المنزل بسهولة لعلاج الهالات السوداء بالإضافة…

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فوائد بذور الشيا وطريقة استخدامها للبشرة والشعر

The benefits of chia seeds and how to use them for skin and hair

تعرف على بذور الشيا وفوائدها المدهشة للجسم وسيكون التركيز في هذا المقال على فوائد بذور الشيا وطريقة استخدامها للبشرة والشعر وكذلك سنوضح محتواها الغذائي الغني والجرعة اليومية الموصى بها وكذلك آثارها الجانبية. مايتناوله هذا المقالبذور الشياالمحتوي الغذائي لبذور الشيافوائد بذور الشيا المدهشة للبشرة والشعرفوائد بذور الشيا للبشرةطريقة استخدام بذور الشيا للبشرةمنتجات للعناية بالبشرة تحتوي على…

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فوائد أوميغا 3 المدهشة للبشرة والشعر

The amazing benefits of Omega-3 for skin and hair

What does this article coveromega-3, types of fats and fatty acidsamiga-3 deficiency symptomsnatural omega-3 sourcesfood supplements containing omega-3daily dosage to achieve the amazing benefits of omega-3 for skin and hairwhich results omega-3 capsules show on skin and hairThe amazing benefits of omega-3 for skin and hairbenefits of omega - 3 for skinbenefits of omega-3 for Hairway of using omega-3 for skinway of using omega-3…

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اسرار شباب البشرة وعلاج التجاعيد

Secrets of youthful skin and wrinkle treatment

What this article deals withsecrets skin youth and wrinkle treatmentwrinkles typeswhen wrinkles begin to appearthe causes of wrinkles wrong habits increase the appearance of wrinkles and signs of aging wrinkle preventionfood and vitamins affecting skin youth and wrinkle treatmentnatural recipes to preserve skin youth and wrinkle TreatmentThe best wrinkle treatment productssessions at Dermatology and cosmetology clinics and Centers for wrinkle treatmentdaily care routine to preserve skin youth and wrinkle treatment abstract |…

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هل يمكن تفتيح البشرة في أسبوع ؟

Is it possible to lighten the skin in a week?

What this article is about:skin lightening in a week, the meaning of skin lightening, the role of active substances in lightening products, skin lightening substances generally work in two ways, namely: important notes before using lightening productsthe risks of using harmful products to lighten the skin, natural and safe ways to lighten the skin, skin lightening sessions at Dermatology and beauty clinics and centers, cheap and special products to lighten the skin, care routine and lighten the skin, is it possible to lighten the skin in a weekSourcesarticle authorabrahim Ammar…

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وصفات طبيعية فعالة لعلاج تساقط الشعر

Effective natural remedies for treating hair loss

Natural recipes for hair loss treatment that you can prepare and use easily to save your hair immediately from falling out, so if you suffer from a hair loss problem and are trying hard to prevent hair loss and get strong and healthy hair, this article is for you. In this article, you will discover the secret of hair loss treatment, the role of all hair loss treatment products and how they work to stop hair loss and grow new hair.…

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استفيدي من استخدامات كريم بيوديرما سيكابيو المتعددة

Take advantage of the multiple uses of Bioderma Cicabio cream.

Take advantage of the multiple uses of Bioderma cicabio cream, it is one of the distinctive products in the markets with many uses for all family members and it is preferable to have it in every home to benefit from this wonderful product. Below we will explain everything you need to know about cicabio cream to use it correctly and effectively and get the most out of the product after purchasing it. Sizes and types of Bioderma cicabio cream available in the markets.…

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أربع طرق فعالة في علاج حب الشباب

Four effective ways to treat acne

يعاني الكثير منا من الحبوب خاصة اصحاب البشرة الدهنية نتيجة زيادة افراز الدهون وزيادة فرص انسداد المسام وتكون الحبوب وفي هذا المقال سنتناول أربع طرق فعالة لعلاج حب الشباب يمكن استخدامها للحصول علي بشرة نقية خالية من حب الشباب. مايتناوله هذا المقالأنواع حب الشبابأسباب ظهور حب الشبابالوقاية من حب الشبابطرق علاج حب الشبابأولا: أدوية لا…

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أفضل ثلاث منتجات للعناية ببشرتك

The three best products for taking care of your skin

There are many problems that affect the skin and affect the overall appearance of the individual, which we will treat by using the three best products to care for your skin, such as: dry skin. Sunburn. Skin pigmentation. Wrinkles and fine lines. Acne, whiteheads and blackheads. To treat these problems and protect the skin from their impact on the overall appearance of the individual, there are many products that can be used…

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اكزيما الاطفال وحلول فعالة لطفلك

Children's eczema and effective solutions for your child

Children's eczema is a common disease in children and millions of children suffer from it around the world. In this article, we will cover the most important information about children's eczema, such as causes, symptoms and effective solutions for your child. Children's eczema is a very disturbing disease for children and parents, where the child suffers from severe dryness, itching and inflammation of the skin, so these symptoms must be dealt with vigorously and effectively to provide comfort and a life…

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أفضل وأسرع طرق تفتيح المناطق الحساسة

The best and fastest ways to lighten sensitive areas

In this article, we will mention the best and fastest ways to lighten sensitive areas, whether it is a procedure in dermatology and cosmetology clinics or products for home use to lighten sensitive areas. Tanning of sensitive areas is one of the problems that many women and men suffer from and affects skin beauty and self-confidence significantly. Sensitive areas of the body include the bikini area, between the thighs and under the armpits.…

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دليلك عند اختيار كريم حفاض مناسب لطفلك

Your guide to choosing the right diaper cream for your baby

The skin of a newborn needs careful care to maintain it, because the skin of a newborn is not fully developed and formed and is easily affected by external factors and may be more susceptible to dryness, inflammation, bacterial and fungal infections and other skin diseases. This article will include your guide to choosing a suitable diaper cream for your baby to take care of the newborn's skin, depending on his condition, there are creams to prevent diaper inflammation and other creams…

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أفضل طريقة لاختيار صبغة الشعر

The best way to choose the right hair dye color for your hair color.

What this article is about isthe best way to choose the right hair dye color for your hair colorthe importance of choosing a new color for your hair carefully.The most important factors affecting the method of choosing hair dye.Natural skin color and method of choosing hair colorsuitable for light or cold skinhair colors suitable for dark skindyed hair care sourcessourcesauthor of the article Ibrahim Ammar the best way to choose the right hair dye color for your hair color is to choose a color…

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أفضل طرق علاج آثار حب الشباب

The best methods to treat acne scars for smooth skin.

What this article is about is what is meant by the effects of acnethe effects of acne are removed in more ways than one, such as: the causes of the appearance of the effects of acnethe best ways to treat the effects of acnethe cheap and special products for the treatment of acne care lotion for oily skin cheap and special: moisturizing and nourishing cream for oily skin cheap and excellent: vitamins for Acne is a phrase…

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أفضل طرق توريد الشفايف

The best ways to redden the lips

What does lip plumping mean lip plumping means lightening the color of the lips by removing the dark skin layer and reducing the secretion of melanin pigment in the skin covering the lips. Below we will learn about the best ways to supply lips. The supply and lightening of the lips is carried out in more than one way, such as: using a laser to lighten the lips. Peeling to remove the dark layer of skin covering the lips. Mesotherapy injections to reduce…

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أفضل روتين للعناية بالبشرة الجافة والاكزيما

The best skincare routine for dry skin and eczema

Characteristics of dry skin lack of sebum secretion. Increase the rate of water loss of epidermal cells. Increased susceptibility to dryness, cracking and bacterial infections. Increased sensitivity to fragrances and other allergens. Increased pigmentation in dry areas of the skin. Goals of dry skin care routine and eczema to care for dry skin and protect it from the symptoms of dryness and eczema a daily routine should be used constantly to achieve…

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أفضل روتين العناية بالبشرة الدهنية وحب الشباب

The best routine for oily and acne-prone skin

Characteristics of oily skin is an increase in sebum secretion. Shine is the result of the fat on the skin. Increased susceptibility to pore clogging as a result of the transformation of fat into a solid image in the pores. Increased susceptibility to the growth of acne-causing bacteria on accumulated fat. Wide pores. Increased susceptibility to clogging of pores and the formation of white and blackheads. The best ways to care for oily skin to care for oily skin and protect it from acne…

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