أفضل طرق علاج آثار حب الشباب

The best methods to treat acne scars for smooth skin.

What is meant by the effects of acne

Acne scars are scars that result from the healing of wounds caused by acne where the skin could not correct the wound perfectly during the healing process.

The effects of acne are removed in more than one way, such as:

  • Using a laser to exfoliate the skin and remove the effects of acne, such as carbon laser, fractional or other types of lasers.
  • Cold peeling to get rid of traces of acne.
  • Mesotherapy injections to exfoliate the skin and activate the regeneration of epidermal cells.
  • Acne trace treatment products for home use.

It should be noted that the best treatment for the effects of acne depends on two important steps::

  1. Exfoliate the skin layer that suffers from acne scars to get rid of those scars.
  2. Activate the regeneration of epidermal cells and provide the necessary nutrition for the skin of vitamins, protein, amino and fatty acids and important elements for building skin cells in a moist, not dry medium.

Causes of the appearance of traces of acne

Acne leaves traces on the skin after treatment in the form of scars and pigmentation, as a result of:

  • Wound the grains to get them out of fat.
  • Non-healing of acne wounds in a moist medium.
  • Acne wounds do not heal properly as a result of poor skin nutrition.
  • Non-use of Oily skin care routine This leads to an increase in the number of grains, especially inflamed, and thus an increase in the number of scars and skin deformation.

The best ways to treat the effects of acne

  • Usage of Lotion for oily skin care Constantly to protect the skin from the formation of new grains.
  • Using a laser or cold peeling in dermatology and cosmetology clinics to exfoliate the skin to the depth required for treatment.
  • Keep the skin hydrated and nourished with a homemade cream to moisturize and soothe oily skin from inflammation and provide important nutrients to build new skin properly.
  • The use ofVitamins for the skin To enhance skin nutrition and make up for any deficiency with the nutrients the skin needs.

Cheap and premium products for treating the effects of acne

Cheap and premium oily skin care lotion:
  • Zm (Zen and Meza ) foaming face cleanser with tea tree and salicylic acid 100 ml.
  • Some by mi miracle body cleanser with Alpha and beta hydroxy acids 400 ml.
  • Eucerin Cleansing Gel for oily skin 200 ml.
Cheap and excellent moisturizing and nourishing cream for oily skin:
  • Minimalist moisturizing facial gel containing vitamin B5 10% oil-free, fast-absorbing and lightweight for oily and acne-prone skin 50 g.
  • Dr. Sheth is a light moisturizer for oily skin that contains ceramide and vitamin C.
Vitamins for the skin are cheap and excellent:
  • Mothernest, Gomez vitamins, with biotin and zinc, for hair and skin. (Eat two pieces a day for 3 months )
  • Beauty jams for hair and nails ( take two pieces a day for 3 months )
  • Vitabiotics Perfectil vitamins and minerals (capsule once a day with the main meal )
  • Arkopharm forcapil hair and nail tonic ( take two capsules daily in the morning for 3 months )


Author of the article

ابراهيم عمار

Ibrahim Ammar

More than 15 years of experience in beauty products, skin and hair care

Egyptian Pharmacist

Mansoura University. Faculty of Pharmacy 2008

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