أربع طرق فعالة في علاج حب الشباب

Four effective ways to treat acne

Many of us suffer from pills, especially those with oily skin, as a result of increased sebum secretion and increased chances of clogging pores and forming pills, and in this article we will discuss four effective ways to treat acne that can be used to get a clear skin free of acne.

Types of acne

Acne is divided into two types, namely:

  • Inflamed grains.
    • Inflamed red bubbles.
    • Inflamed red bubbles or blisters that are inflamed and have pus.
    • Lumps or nodes under the skin.
    • Lumps or nodes under the skin with pus in them.
  • Non-inflamed grains.
    • The white heads.
    • Blackheads.blackheads.

Causes of the appearance of acne

Acne appears as a result of clogged pores as follows:

  • Superficial pore clogging results in whiteheads.
  • Deep pore clogging results in blackheads.
  • Clogged pores are accompanied by inflammation, resulting in inflamed red bubbles.
  • Clogged pores with inflammation and pus caused by a bacterial infection lead to inflamed blisters.
  • Deep pore clogging is accompanied by inflammation, resulting in subcutaneous nodes.
  • Deep pore clogging with inflammation and pus caused by bacterial infection leads to purulent nodes under the skin.

When the pores are clogged by dust, dead skin cells or fat, fat collects under the skin and becomes a suitable medium for the growth of bacteria, which cause bacterial infections and then inflamed grains of all kinds.

Prevention of acne

Important tips for the Prevention of acne should be followed constantly and not only for owners of oily skin, but all skin types are prone to clogged pores and skin grains of inflamed and non-inflamed types.

  • Use lotion twice a day to clean the skin and remove dust, dead cells and open pores.
  • Use makeup remover to remove makeup and make sure to remove it completely.
  • Use makeup remover to remove sunscreen and clean the skin from any cream that has been used.
  • Use an exfoliating toner with fruit acids twice a day to open pores and deep cleanse the skin.
  • Use a moisturizing skin cream with tea tree oil or any antibacterial substance to protect the skin from bacterial infections.
  • Use a cream or patches with fruit acids such as salicylic, glycolic or lactic on the inflamed or non-inflamed grains as soon as they appear to open the pores and finish the grains.
  • Use fat-free skin care products and substances that clog pores.
  • Choose the right makeup for acne-prone skin instead of regular makeup.
  • Drink enough water daily to keep the skin moist and clean.
  • Reduce the intake of foods rich in fat and chocolate and eat healthy foods rich in protein and important nutrients andVitamins for the skin.

Acne treatment methods

There are many ways to treat acne and the appropriate method should be used for each type of pills to get the best results, including the following methods:

  • Use patches with fruit acids to open the pores.
  • Use a cream with fruit acids to open the pores.
  • Use an antibacterial cream to eliminate the bacteria that cause acne.
  • Use an oral antibiotic to combat acne-causing bacteria, especially with deep acne and inflamed nodes.
  • The use of ISO-tretinoin compounds and need medical supervision and medical examinations when using them.
  • Using lasers to exfoliate the skin and eliminate grains such as carbon and fractional lasers.
  • The use of chemical peeling or cold peeling in dermatology and cosmetology clinics.
  • Use red and blue light.

First: non-prescription drugs for the treatment of acne

There are many non-prescription products that can be used to combat acne, which are sold in pharmacies and hypermarkets, such as skin lotions, skin toners, acne patches and skin creams with fruit acids, and what makes all these products useful and effective in treating acne is that they contain active substances such as:

  • Alpha hydroxy and beta hydroxy acids such as salicylic, glycolic and lactic acid.
  • Benzoyl peroxide is one of the substances with a strong effect on acne-causing bacteria.
  • Tea tree oil acts as an antibacterial for the treatment and protection against acne-causing bacteria.
  • Niacinamide, zinc and azelaic acid have an active role in reducing fat secretion.

Over-the-counter products are often used to treat non-inflamed acne such as whiteheads and blackheads and inflamed acne such as bubbles or papules and pimples.

Second: medications administered under the supervision of a doctor to treat acne

Doctors prescribe some medications to treat acne, especially in cases that do not respond to non-prescription products or deep acne conditions such as subcutaneous nodes and inflamed vesicles such as:

  • Topical or oral antibiotic to eliminate acne-causing bacteria such as minocycline, doxycycline and clindamycin.
  • Isotretinoin compounds, which are derived from vitamin A, have an effective and powerful role in increasing the rate of regeneration of skin cells and getting rid of even deep grains.

Third: acne treatment sessions at Dermatology and cosmetology clinics

In addition to the products that a dermatologist and cosmetologist can prescribe to treat acne at home, there are some sessions or procedures that he may do at a dermatology and Cosmetology Clinic to treat acne, such as:

  • Skin cleansing sessions and removal of white and blackheads:
  • Mesotherapy sessions for acne treatment:
  • Cold peeling Sessions.
  • Carbon laser sessions.
  • Fractional laser sessions.
  • Light sessions.

Fourth: natural mixtures for acne treatment

There are some natural substances that can be used to treat acne such as:

  • Tea tree oil can be used as an antibacterial on inflamed grains.
  • Aloe vera can be used as a moisturizer, restorer and anti-inflammatory of the epidermis.
  • Honey can be used on cereals as an antibacterial or as a mask for the skin to protect it from bacterial infections.
  • Lemon juice can be used to cleanse the skin of impurities and open pores.

Four effective ways to treat acne

If you suffer from acne and want to solve this problem effectively, you must first find out the type of pills and then you can determine which methods are best for you in the treatment as follows:

  • White and blackheads can be easily eliminated by quick cleaning sessions at Dermatology and cosmetology clinics or by using non-prescription products at home.
  • Superficial inflamed grains such as papules and pimples can be treated with a combination of prescription drugs and over-the-counter products, so it is advisable to visit a dermatologist and beautician to treat such a type of pills. It can also be treated with Mesotherapy and light sessions.
  • Deep subcutaneous nodes and inflamed subcutaneous vesicles also require medical supervision to use ISO-tretinoin compounds in treatment to get rid of deep subcutaneous grains. It can also be treated by cold or chemical peeling, carbon laser sessions and fractional, depending on what the doctor decides.


Author of the article

ابراهيم عمار

Ibrahim Ammar

More than 15 years of experience in beauty products, skin and hair care

Egyptian Pharmacist

Mansoura University. Faculty of Pharmacy 2008

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