خلطات طبيعية للشعر تغنيك عن منتجات العناية

Natural hair remedies you can depend on instead of hair care products

Natural hair mixtures that can be easily prepared at home and used to care for your hair instead of hair care products, the goal is the same, which is to nourish and moisturize the hair. Therefore, the use of some natural mixtures rich in nutrients can be a sufficient alternative to get healthy and strong hair and to protect it from falling out.

Hair, like the rest of the body's organs, needs care and nutrition to maintain its health, strength and proper growth. The hair is nourished by capillaries that reach the hair follicles . Therefore, the arrival of blood loaded with the necessary nutrients that hair follicles need to build keratin and other hair components is the secret to maintaining the strength, health and shine of hair and protecting it from loss.

Method of preparation of hair mixtures

The preparation of natural hair mixtures is based on the extraction of active substances from plants or fish. The active substances that we are trying to extract are either water-soluble or oil-soluble. Therefore, to extract any active substance useful for hair, we will resort to water or oil such as olive oil or coconut oil to extract it.

فمثلا اذا كانت المادة الفعالة جيدة الذوبان بالماء بالتالى سننقع النبات فى الماء للحصول على المادة الفعالة ثم نستخدم المنقوع على الشعر. واذا كانت المادة الفعالة جيدة الذوبان فى الزيت بالتالى سننقع النبات فى زيت جوز الهند أو زيت الزيتون للحصول على المادة الفعالة ثم نضع الزيت على الشعر وندلك به فروة الرأس.

يمكنك تغذية شعرك بأى من المكونات اللاحق ذكرها ويفضل التنوع فى مصادر تغذية الشعر لتلبية احتياجات الشعر من المواد والعناصر الغذائية الكثيرة والمتنوعة من معادن وفيتامينات وأحماض أمينية وبروتين وأحماض دهنية.

Natural remedie for hair

عصير البصل وعلاج Hair loss والثعلبة

Onions are a very healthy and useful plant for hair. It is also rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory substances and substances that increase the supply of food-laden blood to the hair follicles in addition to being an antibacterial and antifungal agent.

Active substances for hair care found in onion juice

  • Flavonoids such as campiferol and quercetin.
    • Anti-inflammatory.
    • Anti-oxidants and free radicals.
    • The capillaries expand and thus increase the supply of food-laden blood to the hair follicles.
  • Tannin and saponin compounds
    • Anti-inflammatory
  • Sulfur-rich compounds
    • Strengthens the hair and enters into the construction of hair.
  • Vitamin C
    • Antioxidant
    • Activates the formation of collagen
    • It helps in the absorption of iron, which is one of the important elements for hair, and therefore gives the hair strength and shine.

How to prepare onion juice

  • Use three red onions because they are richer in flavonoids and sulfur than white onions.
  • Grate the onion into small pieces using a grater and the smaller the pieces, the better.
  • Use gauze or cheesecloth as a filter to separate the onion juice from the grated onion.
  • Put the onion juice in an airtight container.

How to use onion juice

Use dots to apply onion juice to the hair spaces with massage, then leave it on the scalp for half an hour until absorbed and wash it off with water or a gentle soap-free shampoo.

The benefits of onion juice for hair

  • Stop hair loss
  • Treatment of alopecia
  • Treatment of seborrheic dandruff
  • Treatment of scalp infections
  • Hair graying treatment

Duration of use of onion juice for best results

  • Studies have proven the effectiveness of onion juice in the treatment of hair loss conditions such as alopecia, so that onion juice is used twice a day for six weeks.
  • Good results appear after a week of use, but it is preferable to continue nourishing the hair on onion juice for six weeks for best results.

Products on the market that contain onion juice

عصير البصل وعلاج تساقط الشعر والثعلبة
  • Mama Earth onion juice oil for stimulating hair growth 150 ml.
  • Soulflower oil onion juice 220 ml.

Apple cider vinegar for hair care and dandruff

Apple cider vinegar is one of the substances that maintain the acidity of the hair and provides the appropriate ph for the strength, shine and health of the hair, the weak dull hair is alkaline and its pH is higher than 7. Apple cider vinegar helps to make the medium acidic because its pH is from 2 to 3.

Active substances in apple cider vinegar

  • Acetic acid
    • It has a pH of 2 to 3 and makes the medium acidic, suitable for hair growth and health.
    • Antibacterial, antifungal and anti-lice.

How to prepare apple cider vinegar

  • Add 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a bowl with half a liter of water and stir well.

How to use apple cider vinegar

  • It is preferable to do a simple sensitization test to make sure that your skin or scalp is not sensitized from using apple cider vinegar.
  • Apply a pinch of apple cider vinegar to the forearm, leave for 48 hours and watch for the appearance of any allergic reactions or inflammation.
  • In case of any inflammation, you should not use apple cider vinegar on the scalp and use another mixture to care for your hair.
  • Wash your hair well with water and a gentle shampoo, then wash your hair with apple cider vinegar, which was prepared as before, leave it on the hair for 10 minutes, then wash it off.

The benefits of apple cider vinegar for hair

  • It gives hair strength and shine.
  • Treatment of seborrheic dandruff as a result of fungal infection.
  • Treatment of inflammation of the hair follicles as a result of infection with a bacterial infection.
  • Treatment of lice and itching

Duration of use of apple cider vinegar for best results

  • Apple cider vinegar is used on the scalp and hair after washing with a gentle shampoo twice a week for 20 to 30 minutes to treat bacterial and fungal infections.
  • Apple cider vinegar is used on the scalp and hair for 3 minutes to eliminate lice.

Products on the market that contain apple cider vinegar

خل التفاح للعناية بالشعر والقشرة
  • AG Hair Care Balance Shampoo with apple cider vinegar 355 ml
  • DPHUE hair lotion with apple cider vinegar 59 ML.

Rice water and hair nutrition

Rice water is rich in nutrients that meet the nutritional needs of hair from many minerals, vitamins, amino acids and fatty acids. Rice water can be relied on to treat hair malnutrition.

Active substances in rice water

  • Inositol
    • Increases the thickness of the hair and thus stops hair loss caused by hair thinning
  • Amino acids
    • It works to nourish the hair to build hair keratin and various hair cells.
  • Vitamin B
    • Vitamin B complex group has a great role in hair growth through the formation of erythrocytes
  • Vitamin E
    • Moisturizes the scalp.
    • Protects hair from free radicals as an antioxidant.
  • Minerals such as manganese, magnesium and zinc
    • It has a great role in hair building and the lack of these mineral elements leads to hair loss.
  • Antioxidants such as flavonoids and phenolic acids
    • They protect hair and scalp from the influence of free radicals and the influence of harmful sunlight.
    • Protects against graying hair.

How to prepare rice water

  • Add three glasses of water to a glass of uncooked rice and leave for half an hour
  • Drain the water from the rice into a bowl
  • It can be left for 48 hours at room temperature to ferment.

How to use rice water

  • Wash hair using a gentle soap-free shampoo.
  • Pour rice water on the hair, massage it into the scalp, leave for 30 minutes, then wash off with lukewarm water.

The benefits of rice water for hair

  • It nourishes the hair, strengthens it and protects it from falling out.
  • It stops hair loss caused by malnutrition because it is rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
  • Stops hair loss caused by the action of dihydrotestosterone.

Duration of use of rice water for best results

  • Rice water is used to nourish the hair and meet the hair's nutritional needs of vitamins, minerals and amino acids twice a week for three weeks.
  • It is preferable to continue using rice water for six months to get the best results.

Products on the market that contain rice water

ماء الأرز وتغذية الشعر
  • Mama Earth rice water shampoo 250 ml.
  • Sevich Hair Serum with rice water 50 ml.
  • SEFUDUN rice water serum 60 ml.

Fenugreek seeds and hair growth

Fenugreek seeds are seeds with a high nutritional content rich in vitamin C, protein, antioxidants and important mineral elements for hair health. This high nutritional value can be used to nourish the hair and stimulate healthy growth.

Active substances in fenugreek seeds

  • Protein and amino acids
    • It helps in building keratin protein and various hair cells.
  • Vitamin B complex
    • It stimulates hair growth and has a role in the secretion of fat in the scalp and those fats are responsible for moisturizing the scalp and hair.
  • Vitamin C
    • Antioxidant, stimulates the regeneration of scalp cells and preserves the youth of the hair.
  • Metals such as iron
    • It enters into the formation of hemoglobin, which is responsible for carrying oxygen to the hair follicles.
  • Flavonoids and saponins
    • Antibacterial and antifungal agents.
    • Anti-inflammatory.

How to prepare fenugreek mask

  • Soak a glass of fenugreek seeds with water to make it easier to grind and leave for 8 hours.
  • Grind the fenugreek seeds to get the fine powder from the fenugreek seeds.
  • Add warm water, stirring until you get the consistency of the paste.
  • Add a little coconut oil and stir until the mask is ready for use.

How to use fenugreek seeds

  • Wash hair using a gentle soap-free shampoo.
  • Use fenugreek seed mask on the scalp and hair, leave for half an hour, then wash off with water.

The benefits of fenugreek seeds for hair

  • Nourishes the hair and stimulates its healthy growth.
  • Moisturizes the scalp and hair and keeps the scalp healthy from infections.
  • Protects the scalp from the effects of free radicals and gray hair.
  • Protects against dandruff and infections as a result of a bacterial or fungal infection.

Duration of use of fenugreek seed mask for best results

  • The ring mask is used to nourish the hair three times a week.
  • The nutrition of the hair with fenugreek seed extract should be maintained for three to six months for best results.

Products on the market that contain fenugreek seed extract

بذور الحلبة ونمو الشعر
  • Upnatura fenugreek seed oil 59 ML.
  • Greenwood essential pure fenugreek seed oil 15 ml.

Blend of essential oils and hair loss treatment

Essential oils are concentrated oils rich in mineral elements, vitamins, amino acids and fatty acids, which are one of the best choices for hair care and one of the best ways to stop hair loss and stimulate its growth.

One of the best essential oil mixtures for hair is a mixture of peppermint oil, lavender oil, rosemary oil and jojoba oil and dilute them with coconut oil for dry and normal hair or almond oil for oily hair.

Essential oils in the mixture

  • Peppermint oil
    • Studies have proven that peppermint oil, which contains menthol, has a stronger effect than minoxidil and jojoba oil in stimulating hair growth and stopping hair loss ( Study 1 )
    • Peppermint oil has become one of the most powerful ingredients in hair care products to treat hair loss and stimulate growth.
  • Rosemary oil
    • One of the studies comparing the effect of rosemary oil and minoxidil proved that rosemary oil has a similar effect in strength to minoxidil in stimulating hair growth. ( Study 2 )
  • Lavender oil
    • One of the studies conducted on mice proved the speed of hair growth and density with the use of lavender oil. ( Study 3 )
  • Jojoba oil
    • One of the studies proved its effectiveness in stimulating rapid hair growth. ( Study 4 )

How to prepare the oil mixture

  • Essential oils must be obtained from a reliable source in a concentrated form.
  • Use coconut oil to dilute essential oils for dry and normal hair at the rate of one tablespoon of coconut oil per 3 drops of essential oils.
  • Use almond oil to dilute essential oils for oily hair at the rate of one tablespoon or 10 ml of almond oil per 3 drops of essential oils.
  • Stir the mixture thoroughly until it mixes.

How to use the oil mixture

  • Wash hair thoroughly with soap-free shampoo.
  • Use the oil mixture by massaging the scalp and areas of hair spaces with a small amount of the mixture.

The benefits of this mixture of essential oils for hair

  • Improve the supply of nutrient-laden blood to the hair follicles.
  • Stop hair loss caused by malnutrition or non-patients.
  • Stimulates the growth of healthy and strong new hair.
  • Increases the thickness and density of hair.

Duration of use of the oil mixture for best results

  • The oil mixture is used once a day in the evening for three months to get the best results.
  • Satisfactory results are visible within a few weeks of use.

Products on the market that contain this mixture of essential oils

خلطة الزيوت العطرية وإيقاف تساقط الشعر
  • Aliver Peppermint oil, rosemary and pumpkin 60 ml.
  • Mielle rosemary and mint oil
  • African Pride rosemary and mint oil 118 ML.


Author of the article

ابراهيم عمار

Ibrahim Ammar

More than 15 years of experience in beauty products, skin and hair care

Egyptian Pharmacist

Mansoura University | 2008

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