إبراهيم عمار

Ibrahim Ammar

خبرة أكثر من 15 عام في منتجات التجميل والعناية بالبشرة والشعر صيدلي مصري مدير عمليات منصة تريتاب

Vitamins for skin and hair and their sources

skin and hair vitamins

What this article deals with the most important vitamins necessary for skin and hair health the most important sources of natural skin and hair vitamins sources of natural skin and hair vitamins and a sufficient amount of them for the health of your hair and skin nutritional supplements rich in skin and hair vitamins for the health of your hair and skin sources author of the article Ibrahim Ammar…

Moisturizer and baby shampoo are important for your baby

مرطب وشامبو الأطفال هام لطفلك

What this article deals with is the difference between the skin of a newborn and the skin of an adult the importance of using a baby moisturizer for the baby's skin the importance of using a baby lotion for your baby's skin the importance of using a baby shampoo for your baby's hair sources the author of the article Ibrahim Ammar the difference between…

The first step of skin care to keep your skin fresh

skin care 1st step

Skin or skin covers the entire body, the appearance of the skin, its health and free of problems such as acne, pigmentation, wrinkles, dryness and other problems that affect the skin reflects on your personality, beauty and self-confidence skin care is a simple and important task as caring for any member of the…

Hair loss. What is it, causes and treatment

تساقط الشعر. ماهو, اسبابه وعلاجه ؟

Hair loss is one of the problems that many men and women suffer from at different stages of life and in this article we will learn about hair loss. Causes, treatment and distinctive products for the treatment of hair loss. What this article deals with is pathological hair loss or cases of hair loss…
